Abu Dhabi International Book Fair 2024German Exhibitors RedSea Bookstore

RedSea Bookstore

Booth number: HALL 8 - 8F05

About us

The bookstore was established in 2007, as the only bookstore to include all topics in the region of the Red Sea. Now we are in the heart of the old historical Cairo.

Our Focus is on each topic of books for public interest - History, Language, Fiction and Children. Moreover we present a large collection of textbooks for Literature.
Our rapidly expanding assortment is mainly in German, English, French and Spanish.

Our goals and purposes are to encourage education, research and cultural exchange, approach and understanding through professional bookselling services.

The Bookstore will order any book in print published in the United States, the United Kingdom or Germany. It generally takes from 6 to 8 weeks to receive special book orders unless courier deliveries are specified. We send the books to any address in Egypt or abroad with the transporter you prefer.


RedSea Bookstore
42 Mar Gerges St., Mogammaa El-Adian , Old Cairo
11632/Old Cairo
Phone:  +20 11 44418190

Contact person:

Mazen Okasha
E-mail: mazen@redseabookstores.com
Phone: +20 11 44418191

Salma Okasha
Bookstores Manager
E-mail: hadeer@redseabookstores.com
Phone: +20 12 78420368

Products & Services

General Interest
Education (School and Adult Education)
Dictionaries and Self-Study Material
Children‘s Books and Books for Young Readers

Redsea Bookstores is the sole distributor for the German publishing house Klett and the British publishing house Delta in Egypt, the Gulf region, Lebanon and Tunisia.

German in 30 Days

German – fast and effective
Are you short of time and want to purposefully learn the basics of the German language? Then, this course, with its 30 clearly- structured daily sections, is just the right course for you.
Visit website

German in 30 Days

Langenscheidt Praktisches Wörterbuch Arabisch

Dictionary for the Arabic-speaking world

Thin and compact – yet it’s all there! The Arabic dictionary by Langenscheidt includes high Arabic vocabulary as well as the Egyptian and Syrian varieties. Consider this the perfect communication helper for travelers, refugees, and volunteers.

PONS Großes Bildwörterbuch Arabisch - Deutsch + Englisch und Französisch

Mit 26.000 Stichwörtern und Wendungen in Bildern aus allen Bereichen des Alltags.
Immer im Kontext: Im Zusammenhang lernen mit thematischer Gliederung.
Leicht gefunden: Im mehrsprachigen Register schnell das richtige Wort nachschlagen.
Schneller mitreden: Lautschrift für die Fremdsprache

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